Return to Play Update – May 16

Dear AFL Community Clubs and local stakeholders,
Returning to training in a safe, hygienic and controlled manner is paramount to the AFL. The safety and wellbeing of our participants is our number one priority.
AFL NSW/ACT understands that the NSW Government, via the Office of Sport, will shortly release guidelines for community sport to commence activity under the revised NSW Public Health Order which came into effect Friday 15 May.
Accordingly, the AFL Return to Play Framework (Framework) has been developed to ensure we are prepared and have the clear endorsement of State Government and public health officials at every phase of return to play.
The Framework has been informed by the National Principles for the Resumption of Sport and Recreation Activities and the AIS Framework for Rebooting Sport in a Post COVID-19 Environment, in consultation with health professionals and leaders in the football industry.
As soon as the NSW guidelines are released, the following key information and protocols will be adapted for NSW and published on the AFL NSW/ACT website for download:
- AFL NSW/ACT Return to Small Group Training up-to 10 People Protocols
• AFL NSW/ACT Return to Small Group Training up-to 10 People Club Checklist
• AFL NSW/ACT Return to Small Group Training up-to 10 People FAQ’s
AFL NSW/ACT strongly recommends that Community Clubs implement a minimum one (1) week ‘Preparation and Education’ stage to ensure Clubs undertake the necessary preparations to support small group training of up-to 10 persons in a COVID-safe environment. This will allow Community Clubs to plan for, implement and communicate the required protocols to their members prior to commencing any activity.
In addition, an important part of this return to play process is the requirement of each Club to appoint a COVID Safety Officer that is responsible for ensuring these protocols are adhered to and participants can return to a prepared and safe environment.
We also strongly recommend all participants immediately download the COVID-SAFE App, to ensure we can quickly trace and manage any outbreaks in the community.
We understand return to play will raise many questions for Club officials, players, parents and volunteers. As such we have prepared a set of FAQs that hopefully address most of these for you at this time. We will continue to update these as the situation progresses. There are a number of great resources and templates available at to assist Community Clubs.
Local government authorities are a key stakeholder in return to training activity and must be consulted prior to the commencement of any formal training activities on local sports fields.
We are excited that our NSW community will return to sporting activity in the weeks ahead and ask that the AFL community act in a COVID-safe and compliant manner when doing so.
AFL NSW/ACT will continue to work closely with the NSW Government, via the Office of Sport, and provide a further update on training once the NSW guidelines become available.
Tiffany Robertson
Acting Chief Executive Officer – AFL NSW/ACT